Sunday, September 2, 2012


Lovers are like lunatics said the bard of Avon
Here is an instance of lunacy for your fun

Our hero Hu seng lived in the city of chingqing
His girlfriend Li Wang's heart he wanted to set tingling 
By doing something which the bravest would fear
His ploy was to send her a big box thru courier
And in that box  he sealed himself in, oh dear
The box was to be delivered at her office so near
That in 30 minutes he would come out with cheer

He even arranged for a videographer to capture
the scene as he  jumps out of the box to hug her

But alas the best laid plans of mice and men they say
Often go astray -  

The address on the box  had a small  error
And for Hu Seng it meant 3 hrs of sheer terror
As he almost fainted due to asphyxiation
And had to be revived by artificial respiration 

When he came to, Seng said he wanted to shout
But then thought the surprise element would then be out
He suffered in silence for the sake of his love
Not knowing that after marriage he will suffer more...and how !


* Based on a news report dated 31st Aug 2012 in the Times of India, Bangalore edition

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