Thursday, May 24, 2012


I take no offence if anyone asks me my age
It is almost the same as of a HImalayan sage
I have lost count of years as I grew old
I know now that with women I cant be bold
To tell you in precise terms, i have turned 80
If I say "on turning 80 you get 08" you'd call me naughty
But that is exactly what I feel at this stage of my life
The cake was not baked by my overworked wife
We got it at Ramada Inn's Orchid Hall to be precise
And a pretty large 2 Kg was its exact size
Had you been present I'd have tucked a piece in your mouth
But you only talk about coming here, are you scared of the South?
On the cake was written " Vasanth Rocks at 80"
( "Rocks" I copied from an Orkut group without paying royalty )
And when the cake was cut , there was merriment and gaiety
We had song and dance and celebrations galore
Most of my guests and relatives came from Mangalore
Now that they have all departed to their house
I logged on to the internet as usual to browse
Since the party lasted till midnight, I am feeling sleepy
If I prolong this rhyme and bore you, you'll call me creepy

Note: This was written in reply to a friend from Pune who promised to attend my birthday party but did not.

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